On 14 February 1965 – Saint Valentine's Day – a vicious death squad of Nation of Islam arsonists affiliated with Harlem's Mosque No.7, Boston's Mosque No.11 and Springfield's Mosque No.13 [and acting on the direct orders of NOI Supreme Captain Raymond Sharrieff] conducted a truly cowardly Molotov cocktail attack on the East Elmhurst residence of Malcolm X while he, his wife and his infant daughters lay asleep inside. The perpetrators of this attack are believed to have included Mosque No.7 'captain' Joseph X Gravitt, Mosque No.11 'captain' Clarence 2X Gill, Mosque No.13 'captain' John Muhammad and none other than Minister Louis Farrakhan's half-brother, Alvin X Walcott. It is inconceivable that the role played by Walcott has been unknown to Minister Farrakhan since the attack. What beggars belief and staggers the senses is that in the dozens of news media interviews in which Farrakhan has been involved in the last three decades not once has he ever been asked a direct question about the criminal role his half-brother is believed to have played in this barbaric incident. That question is just one of the many he can finally expect to face in any future Justice Department-mandated grand jury proceeding.
[aka “the Rock of the South”]: Instrumental in boxing legend Muhammad Ali's conversion to the Nation of Islam, this former member of Elijah Muhammad's personal 'Honor Guard' and captain of the NOI's Miami mosque [under Minister Lucius Bey] may have played a role in the harboring of Clarence 2X Gill [the homicidal personal bodyguard of Muhammad Ali and a former captain at Louis Farrakhan's Boston Mosque No.11] following his 21st February 1965 escape from the Audubon Ballroom where he is believed to have been part of a back-up assassination squad and may have sustained a gunshot wound from Reuben Francis, one of Malcolm X's bodyguards. Abdul “the Rock” Rahman may have also helped orchestrate Muhammad Ali's infamous 1975 appearance at a Ku Klux Klan rally where Ali railed against 'race-mixing' to the rapturous applause of the KKK audience. As the criminal section of the DOJ's Civil Rights Division weighs its options in the reinvestigation of the Malcolm X assassination, Abdul Rahman may be among the many subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury.
Who was *King David*? And what were Louis Farrakhan and Elijah Muhammad revealing about each other in making that comparison?
Well, history ends up recording King David as a divinely cursed man who murdered his lieutenant, Uriah, in order to cover-up an act of adultery with the Hittite's wife, Bathsheba [2 Samuel 11:1 to 12:25]. The plan came unstuck when God sent the prophet Nathan to denounce King David by means of a parable. David was completely taken in, declaring at the end of it, "The man who did this deserves to die!" only to be told by Nathan, "You are that man". Sound familiar?
What is particularly striking about all of this is that Elijah Muhammad spoke his words to Farrakhan in 1957, a full 7-8 years before going on to fulfill those most horrendous of Davidian deeds - events he could NEVER have forseen - in his adulterous relations with the 'Bathshebas' of his secretarial harem, the pseudo-theological lies deployed to cover them up and the barbaric 21 February 1965 slaying of Uriah/Malcolm X as the blood-spattered seal on that prophecy.
Director Jack Baxter spent 10 painstaking years constructing this documentary about the death of Malcolm X. Sifting through some previously unavailable evidence, Baxter intensely examines every detail, while witnesses and close associates of the black nationalist leader discuss whom they really believe to be behind the killing on that fateful day in 1965. The story of Malcolm's former associates in the Nation of Islam is also told, and the activities of its leader, Louis Farrakhan, undergo close scrutiny to see whether a link can be drawn between him and the murder. Comprehensive and revealing, BROTHER MINISTER is an in-depth examination of an event that shook the world...
While much attention has been paid to Malcolm X's denial of entry into France in February of 1965 it is often forgotten that he actually visited Paris a few months earlier on 23 November 1964 where, among other appearances, he spoke at the Salle de la Mutualite. This video features a brief interview he gave during his Paris visit but opens with an even more fleeting glimpse of an incandescent speech that appears to have been delivered somewhere in the United States and that serves as yet one more reminder of the world-transforming revolutionary volcano he was - and is.
This still image from the Omar Shabazz 2011 documentary 'Naked Lies: the Continuous War Against Malcolm X' [purchase the DVD by email from SSha889130@aol.com] depicts two of the conspirators in the Malcolm X assassination - Minister Louis Farrakhan and Linward X Cathcart [aka Abdul Karriem Muhammad] - at an unidentified Nation of Islam rally. Upon leaving the Audubon Ballroom following the 21 February 1965 assassination of Malcolm X, Cathcart reportedly contacted Minister Louis X at Newark Temple No.25 to inform him that Malcolm's followers - to include his young daughters - had acted like [what Farrakhan later described as] "damn cowardly dogs" as Malcolm was being gunned down.
On 3 April 2011, a day before the publication of Manning Marable's biography 'Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention', Louis Farrakhan met with Linward X in Washington DC. The purpose of the meeting remains unclear.
...Only Malcolm X's autobiography seemed to offer something different. His repeated acts of self-creation spoke to me; the blunt poetry of his words, his unadorned insistence on respect, promised a new and uncompromising order, martial in its discipline, forged through sheer force of will. All the other stuff, the talk of blue-eyed devils and apocalypse, was incidental to that program, I decided, religious baggage that Malcolm himself seemed to have safely abandoned toward the end of his life. And yet, even as I imagined myself following Malcolm's call, one line in the book stayed me. He spoke of a wish he'd once had, the wish that the white blood that ran through him, there by an act of violence, might somehow be expunged. I knew that, for Malcolm, that wish would never be incidental. I knew as well that traveling down the road to self-respect my own white blood would never recede into mere abstraction. I was left to wonder what else I would be severing if and when I left my mother and my grandparents at some uncharted border...[p.86]
[aka Thomas Hagan]: this recently paroled assassin of Malcolm X made two sworn affidavits in 1977 and 1978 exonerating Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson [two individuals wrongly convicted for the crime] and instead named William Bradley, Wilbur McKinley, Leon Davis and Benjamin Thomas as the individuals who carried out the killing with him. Hayer is in a position to identify William Bradley [aka Al-Mustafa Shabazz] as his co-assassin. He is also in a position to confirm whether Linward X Cathcart was a part of the Newark Mosque No.25 hit squad that assassinated Malcolm X. Hayer may also be able to shed light on the participants in the 14 February 1965 “Valentines Day” firebombing of Malcolm’s home as well as provide information on the long-held suspicion that persons ostensibly working for Malcolm's Organization of Afro-American Unity [OAAU] - Robert 35X Smith and James 67X Shabazz in particular – may have been spying for the NOI. He should thus be subpoenaed to testify in any forthcoming Department of Justice [DOJ]-mandated grand jury proceeding.
[aka Al-Mustafa Shabazz]: the white-bearded shotgun assassin of Malcolm X, William Bradley was recently discovered living under his assumed Islamic name of 'Al-Mustafa Shabazz' and has long sought to re-invent himself as a 'community elder' in the city of Newark, New Jersey. So much so that he was even featured in a re-election campaign commercial for Newark mayor Cory Booker. In this astounding video Bradley appears with his wife, Carolyn Kelley Shabazz, and seems blissfully oblivious to the judicial noose that is slowly tightening itself around him. He should be subpoenaed to testify in any forthcoming DOJ-mandated grand jury proceeding.
The Machiavellian former National Secretary of the NOI and one of the individuals most responsible for organizing the Newark No.25 hit squad that murdered Malcolm X. Long suspected of having been an informant for the FBI, Ali was involved in a 1965 effort to recruit five Fruit of Islam [FOI] lieutenants in New York [including Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson] to assassinate Malcolm X. Ali now serves in an NOI splinter group headed up by another notorious figure in the saga, former Springfield FOI 'captain' John Muhammad and should be subpoenaed to testify in any forthcoming DOJ-mandated grand jury proceeding.
Currently the head of an NOI splinter faction, this ruthless former NOI captain was involved in various attempts on Malcolm's life including having played a possible role in the 14 February 1965 firebombing of Malcolm's Queens residence. Muhammad, along with Boston FOI captain Clarence 2X Gill, conspired to procure a pistol silencer from one Leon 4X Ameer for use in an assassination attempt on Malcolm X [an incident that was described by Malcolm himself during a 1965 press conference which features in Marvin Worth's 1972 documentary about his life]. John Muhammad should be subpoenaed to testify in any forthcoming DOJ-mandated grand jury proceeding.
Perhaps the KEY figure in the Malcolm X assassination, Elijah Muhammad Jr presided over the notorious FOI “Wannsee Conference” of 28 June 1964 and during which he delivered a grotesque order that Malcolm's home be destroyed, his tongue severed by his NOI attackers, placed in an envelope and delivered to him to be presented to his father, Elijah Muhammad, as a macabre 'gift' or trophy. Elijah Jr has long since disavowed his father's NOI doctrines and embraced orthodox Islam. Now believed to be in poor health, Elijah Jr is perhaps the only surviving member of the NOI 'old guard' who, precisely because of his infirmity and seemingly repentant disposition, may be inclined to provide a grand jury with "the Mother of all Deathbed Confessions" by confirming whether or not the ultimate order to assassinate Malcolm X derived directly from his father, Elijah Muhammad, and he should thus be subpoenaed to testify in any forthcoming grand jury proceeding.
[aka Abdul Karriem Muhammad]: the elusive and talismanic "Sixth Man" of the Malcolm X assassination team. Now serving under Louis Farrakhan, Linward X - the "Voodoo Doll of the Audubon Ballroom" - is quite possibly the 'lynchpin' of the entire plot to kill Malcolm X. Known at the time of the killing as "the eyes and ears of Louis Farrakhan" any indication that he may have communicated with Farrakhan about the Malcolm X killing on the day it took place could establish whether or not Farrakhan had PRIOR knowledge of the assassination plot - a fact that would indict Minister Farrakhan as an accessory to the crime. Linward X Cathcart could prove to be the "Star Witness" in any future grand jury proceeding.
The current NOI leader and a man whom many have long suspected of having played a role in the assassination of Malcolm X - a role that any future grand jury may finally be able to uncover and he should thus be subpoenaed to testify.
Boxing legend Muhammad Ali's role in the feud between Malcolm X and the NOI has been little known until recently but owing to his close relationship with murderous Boston FOI captain Clarence 2X Gill [a vicious thug who served as Ali's personal bodyguard and was involved in several attempts to assassinate Malcolm X] Ali should be subpoenaed to testify in any forthcoming grand jury proceeding.
Who interviewed Minister Louis Farrakhan as part of his preparations to direct the 1992 biopic Malcolm X and to whom Farrakhan flatly denied having known any of the New Jersey assassins – a highly dubious claim given Farrakhan’s intimate dealings with No.25 and one which both Talmadge Hayer and William Bradley may be able to refute. Lee's testimony could prove to be particularly invaluable in any future grand jury proceeding.
[aka Abdullah Abdur-Razzaq]: this one-time personal OAAU secretary of Malcolm X is a man whom many suspect of having aided and abetted Malcolm's assassins and he should be subpoenaed to testify in any forthcoming grand jury proceeding.
Just as George Clooney has long placed his money and mouth behind the cause of Sudan's Darfur refugees, might now not be the time for both Spike Lee and Denzel Washington to follow suit and lend their considerable star power and resources to the effort to re-investigate the assassination of the very Malcolm X about whom they made a 1992 motion picture?
Having long maintained his claim of “innocence” of any involvement in the assassination of his one-time mentor, the current leader of the Nation of Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan, should now seize the opportunity presented by the renewed interest in Malcolm X [following the recent publication of Manning Marable's biography, 'Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention'] to lead the national and international campaign to get the administration of President Barack Obama to re-investigate the unsolved assassination of Malcolm X and bring to justice those responsible for the crime.
One of the very BEST Malcolm X interviews to be found anywhere online. Conducted by a BBC TV crew in the United States. [Interview starts at 3:22 on the video.] It appears to have taken place in Los Angeles following the coroner's hearing into the LAPD's 1962 shooting death of Ronald Stokes, the secretary of the NOI's local Mosque No.27. One can't but marvel at the blistering intellectual aikido with which Malcolm delivers his responses to the reporter's questions - and all the while maintaining the gentlemanly courtesy that was his trademark. If only WikiLeaks could get their hands on the US government's files on Malcolm's still-unsolved 1965 assassination and share them with the entire world...
An interesting [albeit wholly ahistorical] depiction of the Malcolm X assassination as rendered by Michael Mann in his 2001 Muhammad Ali biopic, 'Ali'. The scene somewhat faithfully portrays the Al-Mustafa Shabazz / William Bradley shotgun assault on Malcolm X but adheres to the myth of a trio of assassins [Talmadge Hayer, Norman 3X Butler & Thomas 15X Johnson] when, as the 1977/8 Hayer Affidavits were to reveal, the assassination squad[s] were comprised of at least five individuals from Newark Mosque No.25 in the main auditorium of the Audubon in conjunction with [as New York filmmaker Omar Shabazz was to later uncover] a back-up hit team elsewhere in the Ballroom from Harlem's Mosque No.7 and led by FOI 'captain' Clarence 2X Gill – a vicious Bostonian thug who doubled as the personal bodyguard of Muhammad Ali.
Which leads to the second fiction depicted in the scene, namely, Will Smith's fanciful portrayal of Muhammad Ali's supposedly tearful and anguished reaction to Malcolm's killing when, as is more than likely [and like so many of the NOI's mindless, moronic and misled], Ali quite probably celebrated the assassination of Malcolm X – a despicable betrayal he was to later acknowledge as having been one of the worst mistakes of his life.
“The full force of the blast perforated the chest, cutting into ‘the thoracic cavity, the left lung, pericardium, heart, aorta, right lung.’ ” Medically, this is how Malcolm X died, according to the new book “Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention,” by Manning Marable. But who fired the shotgun? The last of Malcolm X’s three convicted assassins was paroled last year, which might seem like odd timing for questions about guilt. But Marable’s painstakingly researched book contends some of the wrong men did time for the killing. It’s indisputable that there were several shooters. Marable, who died days before his book’s release last week, believed a man who was never charged fired the fatal shot. And he also believed that one man who served time wasn’t even at the New York ballroom where Malcolm X died.
It’s likely the dogged pursuits of Kansas City-based legal sleuth Alvin Sykes will be involved if anything new is proved about the conspiracy-laden 1965 murder. Sykes is responsible for a federal bill that created a unit in the Department of Justice to prosecute old civil rights era murders. He’s requesting the Malcolm X case be reviewed and/or investigated. Sykes enjoys tracking splinters of information as much as he covets time to ferret out arcane pieces of legal language. I’ve known him for 20 years. Never once has he cited a federal code, a court citation, a snippet of newly unearthed evidence that I couldn’t verify. Marable’s work includes new interviews, source documents and theories long bantered about, but never fully denied or proved. Malcolm X’s death has long been shrouded by the dealings of that era: informants, infighting among black militants, power struggles within the Nation of Islam and allegations of lackluster handling of the initial investigation.
Sykes is already at work contacting Department of Justice officials, combing legal sources to see how jurisdiction can be established and tapping networks to connect with Malcolm X’s children for their support in pressing the new leads. The work will also help Sykes continue questioning how the Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act is being implemented. It was a huge achievement when he got it passed in 2008. But that’s a moot point if more cases aren’t carefully chosen for attention and then pursued fully. Those who argue it’s best to leave the past dead and buried tend to discount how unsolved murders — or clouded cases such as this — chase the living through the descendants of the murdered, the accused, the never fully exonerated. Rarely are these old civil rights cases as simplistic as people wish to believe. Their nuances often challenge how we’d like to recount history. And sometimes, it seems the truth simply won’t let itself be known until a proper amount of time has passed.
To reach Mary Sanchez, call 816-234-4752 or send email to msanchez@kcstar.com.
~ By MARY SANCHEZ The Kansas City Star 10 April 2011
With the recent shocking revelation that one of Malcolm X’s escaped assassins [William Bradley] had appeared in a 2010 campaign commercial for Newark [New Jersey] Mayor Cory Booker, the reappearance of the shadowy "Sixth Man" of the Nation of Islam's Temple No.25 assassination team Linward X Cathcart [aka Abdul Karriem Muhammad], the 2010 parole release of convicted Malcolm X assassin Talmadge Hayer [aka Thomas Hagan], the long-awaited publication of Manning Marable’s biography ‘Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention’ and the accession to power of an African-American president [Barack Obama] - along with his appointment of an African-American Attorney General [Eric Holder] - never has there been a 'galactic alignment' more conducive to the re-examination of the still-unsolved Malcolm X assassination and the bringing to trial of those responsible for this dastardly crime.
The hour has arrived to explore new evidence, cross-examine the surviving participants in the Malcolm X assassination and finally disentangle the Gordian Knot of what has remained one of the world’s most labyrinthine yet emotive of criminal cases.
The Black “Zapruder Film”
Television news footage filmed outside the Audubon Ballroom in the immediate aftermath of Malcolm’s assassination has recently revealed an 'apparition' that has gone all but unnoticed for over 40 years. For the first time eyewitnesses have identified the Frankenstein-like lumbering frame of Nation of Islam assassin William Bradley who, in a display of stupefying audacity, is still lingering at the scene of a crime he has just helped to perpetrate and can be seen brazenly attempting to FREE one of his fellow killers [Talmadge Hayer] from the clutches of an angry mob.
The world now has an unprecedented opportunity to interview the recently paroled Hayer and get the convicted killer to confirm whether or not the menacing figure in the black trench coat is, indeed, his shotgun-wielding compatriot William Bradley. Needless to say, such a dramatic identification of Bradley by Hayer himself would help seal the legal fate of the vicious New Jersey reptile who fired the fatal shot that took Malcolm's life.
The "Sixth Man"
One of the more troubling spectacles on that fateful day at the Audubon Ballroom was the sickening behaviour of an individual whom numerous eyewitnesses have identified as Nation of Islam ‘lieutenant’ Linward X Cathcart. Linward X, a member of the Nation of Islam’s paramilitary male detachment known as the 'Fruit of Islam' or FOI [and affiliated with the New Jersey No.25 mosque from which the five known assassins hailed], was reportedly observed grinning and laughing as Malcolm X was being gunned down. And while he has long denied any association with the killers his macabre conduct that blood-spattered afternoon has long fortified suspicions that, far from his having been a mere ‘guest’ at the Audubon Ballroom that day [as he has long maintained], Linward X may very well have been nothing less than the on-scene ‘supervisor' of the No.25 hit squad that slew Malcolm X and whose task it was to both ensure the success of its mission and to provide an after-action report to the NOI's gangster leadership in Chicago.
Furthermore, Linward’s close relationship with Minister Louis X [now Farrakhan] of Boston, who had been assigned to preach at No.25 that very same day [and to whom Linward may have also reported the success of the hit on Malcolm], could for once and for all establish Louis Farrakhan's complicity in one of the greatest crimes of the twentieth century. A photograph of Linward X at the Audubon Ballroom that day has reportedly surfaced in the collection of one of Malcolm’s former associates, Earl Grant.
The ‘Dry Runs’
Thanks to the incredible forensic filmography of New York documentary maker Omar Shabazz ['Inside Job', 'The Laughing Lieutenant', 'Naked Lies'] new evidence has emerged that the NOI hired out or otherwise used the Audubon Ballroom on at least FOUR separate occasions in the weeks leading up to Malcolm's assassination. The first of these occurred on 12 January 1965 when the local NOI Mosque No.7 held what was billed as 'A Night with the FOI'. A few weeks later, on 15 February, the assassins staged a 'dry run' of their 'get your hand out of my pocket' diversion during one of Malcolm's rallies there [the commotion in the audience and Malcolm's appeals for calm can be clearly heard on the audio recording of the event]. The very following day, 16 February, Mosque No.7 held another event titled 'Annual Class Closing' for their female membership corps known as the 'Muslim Girls in Training' or MGT. And on 20 February, the night before the assassination, Malcolm's killers purchased tickets for a dance event at the Audubon in order to 'case' the premises one last time and finalise their plans.
Move like a Butterfly, Sting like an Assassin?
The role of boxing legend Muhammad Ali in the events surrounding Malcolm’s evolving feud with the NOI and ultimate assassination has attracted little attention until recently. Not only was Ali a violent critic of Malcolm's decision to abandon NOI patriarch Elijah Muhammad but Ali had a close personal and professional relationship with at least one of the would-be assassins, Clarence 2X Gill. Gill, who served as one of Ali's own bodyguards and close confidants, was a Fruit of Islam ‘captain’ affiliated with Louis Farrakhan’s Boston Mosque No.11 and in addition to his having once sought to murder Malcolm X with a silenced pistol [an incident to which Malcolm refers in a 1972 Marvin Worth documentary about his life] Gill is believed to have been part of a back-up hit team at the Audubon Ballroom on the 21st of February 1965. Gill was reportedly shot by Malcolm X bodyguard Reuben Francis at the Audubon while fleeing and may have later received treatment for his wounds at Muhammad Ali’s Miami training camp - from Ali’s very own fight doctor. Gill, along with one Alvin X Walcott [the half-brother of Louis Farrakhan], is also suspected of having been a member of the team of NOI arsonists who firebombed Malcolm X’s Queens residence on 14th February 1965.
The nightmarish prospect that so revered a Mandela-esque hero as Muhammad Ali may have harboured a vicious criminal like Gill in the full knowledge of his role in an attempt on Malcolm’s life would be a truly tragic coda to what has been an otherwise illustrious career.
Louis Farrakhan’s 1972 Tirade
A new recording has surfaced of a vitriolic 22 January 1972 speech by Louis Farrakhan in which the future NOI leader celebrates the murder of Malcolm X, praises his killers as 'fearless men' and ridicules what he calls the 'cowardice' of the defenceless men, women and children in the Audubon Ballroom who attempted to flee as the assassins bullets ricocheted around the auditorium. Like Farrakhan’s infamous 1993 ‘Saviours Day’ diatribe in which he all but revelled in the NOI’s role in murdering the 'traitor' Malcolm X, these sermons demonstrate the depth of the homicidal animus that Farrakhan harboured towards Malcolm and strengthen suspicions that Farrakhan’s personal involvement in the assassination runs far deeper than his previously acknowledged culpability for ‘creating the atmosphere’ that led to Malcolm’s killing.
Furthermore, Farrakhan’s very presence at New Jersey's Mosque No.25 on the very same day that Malcolm X was murdered by assassins affiliated to that temple cries out for much closer scrutiny than it has hitherto received in the light of the newly-revealed roles played in the events at the Audubon Ballroom that tragic day by Linward X Cathcart and Clarence 2X Gill – two of Farrakhan’s closest associates.
Talmadge Hayer [aka Thomas Hagan]: the recently paroled assassin of Malcolm X who made two sworn affidavits in 1977 and 1978 exonerating Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson [two individuals wrongly convicted for the crime] and instead naming William Bradley, Wilbur McKinley, Leon Davis and Benjamin Thomas as the individuals who carried out the killing with him. Hayer would be in a unique position to identify Bradley in the aforementioned “Zapruder Film”. He would also be in a position to confirm whether Linward X was part of the overall hit team. He may also be able to shed light on the participants in the 14 February 1965 firebombing of Malcolm’s home as well as provide information on the long-held suspicion that persons ostensibly working for Malcolm's Organisation of Afro-American Unity [OAAU] - Robert 35X Smith and James 67X Shabazz in particular - were in fact spying for the NOI.
Norman 3X Butler [aka Muhammad Abdul Aziz]: one of the two individuals wrongly imprisoned for assassinating Malcolm X. Butler would be in a position to confirm the claim that former NOI national secretary John Ali met with him and at least four other FOI members and attempted to form them into a hit team to kill Malcolm X. Another of the attendees at this meeting was Thomas 15X Johnson [aka Khalil Islam] who was also wrongly convicted for the Malcolm X killing. Butler also attended the now infamous FOI 'Wannsee Conference' of 28 June 1964 at which over 700 regional security officials of the organization were issued with an explicit order to kill Malcolm X by the Assistant Supreme Captain [and son of NOI leader Elijah Muhammad], Elijah Muhammad Jr.
William Bradley [aka Al-Mustafa Shabazz]: the shotgun assassin of Malcolm X, Bradley was recently discovered living under his assumed Islamic name of 'Al-Mustafa Shabazz' and has long sought to re-invent himself as a 'community elder' in the city of Newark, New Jersey. So much so that he was even featured in a re-election campaign commercial for Newark mayor Cory Booker.
NOI National Secretary John Ali: the former National Secretary of the NOI and one of the individuals most responsible for organizing the hit team that murdered Malcolm X. Ali now serves in a NOI splinter group headed up by another notorious figure in the saga, former Springfield FOI 'captain' John Muhammad - a man who, along with the aforementioned Boston captain Clarence 2X Gill, was involved in an effort to procure a pistol silencer from one Leon 4X Ameer for use in an assassination attempt on Malcolm X [this incident was described by Malcolm X himself at a 1965 press conference which features in a 1972 documentary about his life].
'Springfield' John Muhammad: currently the head of an NOI splinter faction, this former NOI captain was involved in various attempts on Malcolm's life including having played a possible role in the 14 February 1965 firebombing of Malcolm's Queens residence.
Elijah Muhammad Jr: perhaps the KEY figure in the Malcolm X assassination, Elijah Jr presided over the aforementioned FOI 'Wannsee Conference' of 28 June 1964 and during which he issued a grotesque order that Malcolm's home be destroyed, his tongue severed by his NOI attackers, placed in an envelope and delivered to him to be presented to his father, Elijah Muhammad, as a macabre 'gift' or trophy. Elijah Jr has long since disavowed his father's NOI doctrines and embraced orthodox Islam. Now believed to be in poor health, Elijah Jr is perhaps the only surviving member of the NOI 'old guard' who, precisely because of his infirmity and seemingly repentant disposition, may be inclined to provide “the Mother of all Deathbed Confessions” by confirming whether or not the ultimate order to assassinate Malcolm X derived directly from his father, Elijah Muhammad himself.
Linward X Cathcart [aka Abdul Karriem Muhammad]: the elusive and talismanic "Sixth Man" of the Malcolm X assassination team. Now serving under Louis Farrakhan, Linward X is quite possibly the 'lynchpin' of the entire plot to kill Malcolm X. Known at the time of the killing as 'the eyes and ears of Louis Farrakhan' any indication that he may have communicated with Farrakhan about the Malcolm X killing on the day it took place could establish whether or not Farrakhan had PRIOR knowledge of the assassination plot - a fact that would indict Farrakhan as an accessory to the crime.
Minister Louis Farrakhan: the current NOI leader and a man whom many have long suspected of having played a role in the assassination of Malcolm X - a role that could finally be established beyond all reasonable doubt.
Boxing legend Muhammad Ali: whose role in the feud between Malcolm X and the NOI has been little known until recently and who may be able to shed new light on the roles of Clarence 2X Gill and Louis X in the various discussions and plots to kill Malcolm X.
James 67X Shabazz [aka Abdullah Abdur-Razzaq]: the personal OAAU secretary of Malcolm X and a man whom many suspect of having aided and abetted Malcolm's assassins [Talmadge Hayer and/or William Bradley would be in a position to confirm this, as would Linward X].
Filmmaker Spike Lee: to whom NOI ‘captain’ Joseph X Gravitt [aka ‘Fat Joe’ or Yusuf Shah] of Harlem’s Mosque No.7 reportedly confessed his own role in the firebombing of Malcolm’s home. Gravitt was a sworn enemy of Malcolm X who once tried to have him murdered by wiring his Oldsmobile with explosives rigged to detonate upon ignition. During that same period Lee also interviewed Farrakhan [in preparing to direct his 1992 biopic Malcolm X] and during which Farrakhan flatly denied having known any of the New Jersey assassins – a dubious proposition given Farrakhan’s intimate dealings with No.25 and one that both Talmadge Hayer and William Bradley may be in a position to refute.
In this shocking excerpt from the incredible, all-new Omar Shabazz documentary 'Naked Lies: the Continuous War Against Malcolm X' [2011] - purchase by email from SSha889130@aol.com - take a listen to this revolting 1972 speech by Louis Farrakhan in which the Nation of Islam leader celebrates the cold-blooded murder of Malcolm X, praises his killers as 'fearless men' and mocks what he calls the 'cowardice' of the defenceless men, women and children in the Audubon Ballroom who attempted to flee as the assassins bullets ricocheted around the auditorium. Like Farrakhan's nauseating 1993 'Saviours Day' tirade in which he all but revelled in the NOI's role in murdering the 'traitor' Malcolm X, these sermons clearly demonstrate the depth of Farrakhan's homicidal animus towards Malcolm X and strengthen suspicions that Farrakhan's personal involvement in the assassination may go far deeper than his previously acknowledged culpability for 'creating the atmosphere' that led to Malcolm's killing.
And with the appalling decision to grant parole to Malcolm X assassin Thomas Hagan and the sickening revelation that his fellow murderer, William Bradley, is living freely in Newark [NJ], the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the Rev. Al Sharpton and, above all, Minister Farrakhan must issue a joint statement calling on President Barack Obama to sign an executive order declassifying all federal files relating to Malcolm's vicious (and as-yet-unsolved) assassination, re-opening a full investigation aimed at identifying the real perpetrators and tasking Attorney General Eric Holder with bringing the full force of the Justice Department to bear against anyone and everyone who had any involvement whatsoever in the 21 February 1965 outrage.